SerraPet™ is a Serrapeptase formula – but for your pet. Serrapeptase has lots of proven health benefits and can offer your pet the following support:
- Healthier Lungs, Sinus & Mucus problems
- Healthier Joints & Tendons
- Inflammation (after surgery, injury etc)
- Scar Tissue, Cysts, Mastitis
Buy the right supplement for your animal
Ann had stunning results with SerraPet™. Her 16 year old cat experienced discomfort when her hindquarters stiffened and she lost mobility in her tail. After two months on SerraPet™, she is out and about all the time and the leakage has stopped. Ann dares to hope she’ll even regain some hearing as well. “It’s really as if time has rolled back!”
Kirsty has a 19-year-old horse that was wounded so badly the vet suggested to putting her down. Kirsty refused and start giving her horse the equine-friendly SerraPet™. “The results are amazing,” Kirsty says. “There is no scarring and the hair has grown back. Now I have a reputation for producing my Hydrosol bottle at the first sign of infection.”

Recommended by

250,000IU Serrapeptase per serving

Accelerated healing support

Supports Immunity, Circulation and Normal Inflammation Response
The inflammatory response is an automatic mechanism employed by the body’s immune system to protect against everyday wear and tear. It is activated by any irritation or penetration of the skin or mucous membranes with the ultimate goal of increasing the flow of blood to the site to increase cleansing. One of the things that happen during this normal process is the formation of a substance called fibrin. Fibrin is a protein that forms a mesh-like structure over the affected area for new cells to form on. But the body may not always have the necessary tools to remove fibrin in the circulatory system when its work is done. Serrapeptase helps ensure the timely removal of excess fibrin.
Supports the Respiratory System
Serrapeptase has also been found to break down mucus in the nasal passages, throat and lungs. In this way it contributes to clear breathing and respiratory comfort.
Solely Serrapeptase
The inflammatory response is an automatic mechanism employed by the body’s immune system to protect against everyday wear and tear. It is activated by any irritation or penetration of the skin or mucous membranes with the ultimate goal of increasing the flow of blood to the site to increase cleansing. One of the things that happen during this normal process is the formation of a substance called fibrin. Fibrin is a protein that forms a mesh-like structure over the affected area for new cells to form on. But the body may not always have the necessary tools to remove fibrin in the circulatory system when its work is done. Serrapeptase helps ensure the timely removal of excess fibrin.
Another Happy Horse owner…
Hear about how ‘Toby’ made a full recovery with Serrapet
Dear Robert,
“Finally got round to sending pics of Toby’s leg and the story of how it happened. Toby was at The Royal Show on 9th July 2009…
He got his leg trapped in the partition in his box, and his leg was stuck in the grill. He was sedated by the vets and cut free by the stewards.
The vets didn’t know how badly he was injured and decided his best chance was to keep him fully sedated and get him to Avonvale vet hospital asap. The vets were amazing and kept him sedated and on a drip all the way there. The vets at Avonvale were waiting for him and got him into the recovery room to assess the damage. Because he was unable to have any more sedation, they couldn’t x-ray until the following morning, but were almost certain he hadn’t broken his leg as he was bearing his weight on it.

The next day he was x-rayed, and luckily he hadn’t damaged any bones, just a tendon sheath – which was bad enough, but hopefully not fatal. He had his wound stapled in the hope there would be less scarring. As you can imagine, we just wanted him to get better at that point, if he had scars but still alive, that was the best we could hope for. Then a friend of mine told me that someone she knew had used a scar tissue eating enzyme on their horse. It had proved successful, the horse had no permanent scarring after a serious injury, but she didn’t know what it was called. So I searched the internet and found SerraPet.
We tried ten, 80,000 IU tablets a day at first, then gradually reduced them, and he is still on 4 a day just in case! We have pictures that tell their own story. In around 40 days he went from terrible scarring to hardly discernable.
We have our boy back to his best, thanks to his amazing rescue at The Royal Show, and the wonderful vets and nurses at Avonvale. And I strongly believe that SerraPet played a huge part in reducing any scars that he may have had from the injury both on the inside and out.”

A Potent Proteolytic Enzyme
The inflammatory response is an important mechanism for protecting the body from attack by invading organisms and faulty cells. In the case of immune dis-regulation, the body loses its ability to differentiate between innocuous and potentially dangerous substances. This defective mechanisms results in a wide array of autoimmune diseases such as allergies, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, uveitis, multiple sclerosis and some forms of cancer.
Standard drug therapy for inflammatory-mediated diseases and trauma include steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs). Both classes of drugs offer temporary, symptomatic relief from swelling, inflammation and accompanying pain without treating the underlying condition. These drugs may also be immunosuppressive and cause dangerous side effects. The conscientious physician must weigh the benefits and long-term risks associated with the use of NSAIDs, especially in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. If left untreated, the inflammatory process itself can lead to limitation of joint function and destruction of bone, cartilage and articular structures.

NSAIDs are among the most widely prescribed drugs for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory joint conditions. Their effects are mediated through inhibition of the biosynthesis of prostaglandins. They work by irreversibly blocking cyclooxygenase, the enzyme which catalyses the reactions of arachidonic acid to endoperoxide compounds. The neurological and gastrointestinal side effects of these agents have been reviewed in considerable detail. All of the NSAIDs, with the exception of Cytotec, inhibit prostaglandin El, a local hormone responsible for gastric mucosai cytoprotection. A common side effect from these medications is gastric ulcers. More serious adverse reactions such as blood dyscrasias, kidney damage and cardiovascular effects have been noted. Most physicians rotate among the ten most widely prescribed NSAIDs, as soon as one causes side effects or stops working.
The search for a physiologic agent that offers anti-inflammatory properties without causing side effects may have ended with the discovery of the Serratia peptidase enzyme.

The silkworm has a symbiotic relationship with the Serratia microorganisms in its intestines. The enzymes secreted by the bacteria in silkworm intestines have a specific affinity to avital tissue (necrosis and fibrin coating, detritus and a high bacterial load can considerably affect wound healing) and have no detrimental effect on the host’s living cells. By dissolving a small hole in the ~ silkworm’s protective cocoon (avital tissue), the winged creature is able to emerge and fly away. The discovery of this unique biological phenomenon led researchers to study clinical applications of the SP enzyme in man. In addition to its widespread use in arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease and carpal tunnel syndrome, researchers in Germany have used SP for atherosclerosis. SP helps to digest atherosclerotic plaque without harming the healthy cells lining Z the arterial wall.
Today, researchers consider atherosclerosis an inflammatory condition similar to other degenerative diseases. Some immunologists are even categorizing atherosclerosis as a benign tumor. Hardening and narrowing of the arterial wall is a cumulative result of microscopic trauma; inflammation occurs in the presence of oxidized lipids. SP doesn’t interfere with the synthesis of cholesterol in the body, but helps clear avital tissue from the arterial wall. It is important to note that cholesterol in its pure state is an antioxidant and a necessary component of the major organ systems in the body. The use of medications, which block cholesterol biosynthesis, may eventually damage the liver and compromise anti-oxidant status of the eyes, lungs and other soft tissues.
The simple answer is SerraPet is the best anti-inflammatory enzyme available. It does NOT affect any drugs whatsoever except that it may make them unnecessary.

I used SerraPet on my horse, which sustained a severe tendon injury in April. By June a scan showed that he had a chronic tendonitis with much scar tissue formed, both on the tendons, in the tendon sheaths and in the surrounding ligaments. The prognosis was poor; ‘moderate to guarded for anything more than light hacking’ said the report.
I had no idea about dose, so had to make an educated guess! I fed him 640,000 IU tablets of SerraPet a day for 6 weeks, then 480,000 IU a day for 2 months, then 240,000 IU a day for a further 2 months. He has just been re-scanned.
To my delight, the scan showed almost a full recovery. There is minimal scarring on the tendons, and none in the tendon sheaths or ligaments. He is expected to get back to full work now. I can now bring him back into work. I will increase the work slowly over a period of 2 -3 months, and continue on a maintenance dose of Serrapeptase (160,000 IU a day) for a while.
This is a truly remarkable recovery, and I am absolutely delighted. I will be spreading the word!”
My dog and I have been taking Serrapeptase for about 4 months now. Bruno, our 10 year old collie, has been getting progressively worse from the effects of arthritis in his front and back legs. Some days he would have a very hard time getting up or would almost fall back down after standing up. A once very active part of the family had gotten very lethargic and tired looking in less than a couple of years. I began giving him a Serrapeptase in his treats when I began taking it. I noticed a difference in him in a matter of days. I immediately noticed he had a much easier time getting up and down off of the floor and he started jumping into my lap, which he hadn’t done in quite a while. He even got to feeling so much better, that on feeling so much better, that on weekends, when we had a little more time to play with him, he would over do it a little
and have a hard time getting moving on Monday morning again. We started giving him two in the morning and two in the evenings after more active days, and he’s been doing great since. As for me, I am a 38 year old Marine mechanic and have been a mechanic for about 20 years. As a mechanic, lifting, twisting, pulling and kneeling causes constant pain in my back, legs and especially my forearms. After taking 3 Serrapeptase in the morning and 3 in the evenings (4 on work days) I started to feel better right away, and I could tell very quickly if I had forgotten to take them. A couple of years ago I smashed two of my fingers and damaged a nerve in one of them. I would have pain when over worked. Serrapeptase has taken the pain away to the point that I almost forget about the injury now. I have also suffered chronic ear infections since I was young and haven’t had any problems in the last few months. My blood pressure has always been borderline high and whether directly or indirectly, I believe Serrapeptase has contributed to much lower readings lately as well as fewer stomach and digestive problems. I’m sure there are many more problems Serrapeptase has helped me and Bruno with that we forget about, or don’t realize, because we don’t feel the effects any more. I highly recommend Serrapeptase for everyone and their pets.
